Episode 28: Amanda Timek


Duck duck, gray duck. It’s basically what you would think of when you hear duck duck, goose but that’s what we called it in Minnesota. You can even put a fun spin on it and say pink duck, blue duck, or yellow duck, then gray duck. That was the normal for me growing up in Minneapolis. Minnesota is the land of 10,000 lakes, but I like to correct people sometimes and tell them it’s closer to 11,000 lakes. I grew up going to the Minnesota State Fair and seeing the Mall of America. I like Minnesota, but if I could uproot my house, my family and friends, my bed, and of course my dog Zoey anywhere else, I would be just as happy.

I’m still open to all the possibilities, but right now I’m leaning towards being a Psychiatrist. Dr. Klepacz has strengthened this connection for me, and I see her a role model. I got placed with her as my preceptor before I knew she was the Behavioral Science course director. I liked how she didn’t mess around; the first day I went in she had me do a full history on a patient, parts of the physical, and present the patient to her. She does a really good job of building up our skills and our confidence. I like to observe the way she interacts with her patients. She makes them feel comfortable around her and always gives them direct eye contact. Everything she does is very intentional. When I think of the type of doctor I want to be, I kind of try to embody her.

I’m very glad I took two years off before going to medical school. After undergrad I spent almost a year working with AmeriCorps. My experience with AmeriCorps would end up being particularly challenging but equally as rewarding. There were 10 of us all working together, and we would travel from location to location with our huge red backpacks in big white vans. I worked with the Southern Campus of the National Civilian Community Corps, so we travelled all over the south from Louisiana to North Carolina. Our group was specifically for Disaster Relief, so we helped with the flooding in Louisiana, the fires in Gatlinburg, TN, and even the hurricane that struck North Carolina that year. We would collect donations, provide emotional support, and help with infrastructural development as well. It was definitely a rewarding experience, but it could be hard as well because we were all from different places. We had different personalities and ideals, so even small things like where we wanted to eat could be difficult to figure out. It was the little things you don’t normally think about could pose a challenge, but we all learned a lot about each other, and we grew from it and all ended up becoming a family.

Something that I’ve learned over the past couple of years is that you can always improve upon yourself. I feel this year is going a lot better than the last because my first year felt like a transition, and the changes I’ve made this year have been better for my well-being. My self-confidence is one thing I’m actively working on improving. I know it’s gotten better, but I still look forward to the day when I can wear my white coat with confidence and feel like I deserve it. I think the best part is knowing that you’re always growing, and when I look back on years past, I see that I’ve come really far. I think of that when I feel myself struggling and tell myself that I’ll be stronger because of this. Some things in my life may not have gone exactly the way I expected it to go, but so far, it’s always worked out for the best.

P.S. Ever heard of Aebleskiver? It means apple slice, and it’s a Danish pastry that’s a cross between a pancake and a popover. You cook them by using a special pan and turn them until they form spheres. Then you can put things inside before you close them. I like to put ham and cheese inside or add powdered sugar and maple syrup on top of them. I sold them every summer at a local farmers market when I was growing up and our shop was named after my Great Aunt, Aunt Else’s Aebleskiver. It’s one of my favorite foods to make, and I’m always willing to share it with others.

What are your top 5 songs right now?

T. Swift (the entire album), Love is Blind, Tip of my Tongue, Waving Through a Window, and Wildflowers

If you could have any superpower which one would you choose?

To be able to read minds, but I want to be able to turn it on and off.

Pick someone or something from NYMC to give a shout-out too!

S/O to Erin for always going on walks with me when I need it and S/O to my roommate Sam for writing inspirational bacteria pick up lines on our bathroom mirror to get me through this last exam!

If someone wanted to talk to you, they should lead with…

Tell me about your favorite show!