Episode 5: Charles White


December 9, 2018

My dad is one of my biggest inspirations. He grew up in a really bad neighborhood in Chicago, and a lot of his family members were wrapped up in really bad things. My dad didn’t want to be involved in that, so he moved to Tennessee for high school, and that’s where he met my mom. I didn’t see much of my dad growing up because he was always working two jobs to provide for our family, but he never complained once. My dad would always tell me I had to be twice as good as everyone else in order to make it in the world. That really pushed me to work hard for my goals.

Growing up, my parents never blatantly discussed my race with me, but looking back they gave subtle hints about it throughout my life. They’d warn me to not wear certain things because it didn’t make me look very presentable. Also when I got my first car, they insisted I not drive around at night. They would emphasize the importance of not bringing attention to myself when it wasn’t necessary. When I was younger, I didn’t really see it as much more than my parents just trying to keep me out of trouble. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized that they were telling me these things to protect me because of the way I looked.

I moved to Knoxville for college and that’s where I found my inspiration to pursue medicine. While I was in school, my mom had to be hospitalized for a gallbladder rupture. She was in a lot of pain, but she told me how thankful she was that the staff seemed really prepared. They showed her kindness and care. She told me one of the doctors retrieved a simple urine test and was able to diagnose her from there. It amazed me that the doctors could know what had happened to my mom after taking a urine sample. It was so impactful to see the incredible healing powers that doctors had. I knew from that point on that’s exactly what I wanted to be - a healer.

After graduating from undergraduate, I started the master’s program at NYMC to see if medical school was something I’d be able to handle. I was juggling being recently engaged and also moving to a completely unfamiliar place all while trying to maintain my studies. It definitely was a challenge, but it helped me prove to myself that medical school was something that I could take on. I found supportive friends and faculty who helped me along the way to become a more well-rounded individual.

On the surface, I know to some people I seem like an intimidating person. My image has always subconsciously guided how I act and what I do. I always aim to live my life as fully as I can because I never know when that life may come to a close. It may seem harsh, but I see it as a positive - it makes me less afraid to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. I also try to make myself seem as approachable and friendly as possible because I love meeting new people and making new friends. Despite my image, that’s who I really am - a friendly guy with a big heart that loves playing ping pong in the student lounge or watching sports with my family and friends. I’m proud of who I am, and I would never change that about myself.

What are your 5 Most Recently Played Artists on Spotify?
Drake, J. Cole, Michael Buble, Ariana Grande, Maxwell

If you could have any superpower, which one would you choose?
I’ve always wanted the ability to teleport

Pick something or someone from NYMC go give out a shout of to!
Shout out to the ping pong crew and Humans of NYMC!

If someone wanted to talk to you, they should lead with…:
Literally anything about food.