
Interview by Idine Mousavi
Photograph by Nadiv Hossain

March 9, 2020

What does it mean to be a human being? When a friend first posed this question to me in college, I was in awe. Up until that point, I had always thought about my life in a very individualistic way. Every action and every thought centered around my own desires, my own preferences. As that question took root in my mind, the lens through which I looked at the world shattered.

 I had always thought deeply about life, searching for the “why” behind things I felt and the people that came into my life. Growing up in Staten Island and in upstate New York, nature provided me an opportunity to take solace and explore the physical world. Yet, there was a connection I felt while being in nature that transcended the pure physicality of brushing my hand over the rough bark of a tree or quietly listening to the rustle of leaves. There was a spirituality to it, with my mind and soul engaged in a way I didn’t yet understand. At that point in my childhood, that connection was hazy and vague. I didn’t have the language to articulate what I was experiencing. I couldn’t explain why, at certain points, I felt more in my body, and at other points, more in my mind.
But that same question sparked a journey that gave me the language to define what I had been feeling my whole life. I’m often hesitant to share with people that I’m religious. That word has such a negative connotation in today’s world that people often react negatively when they hear it. But when I started exploring these spiritual questions, a profound lightness had worked its way into my life. Just like I wanted to pursue truth in the physical world, I wanted to pursue truth in the spiritual world. As I studied and learned more, I felt like I was called to serve others, and to stand upright before God. But, as I started explaining what I had been discovering in myself to many of my friends, a lot of my relationships began to change.
It’s a sad reality of life that when you change, things break. I was called to walk down a path of service, of discovery, and commitment to spiritual truth. As I struggled to define myself, many of my relationships with friends and family began to crack and splinter. These decisions I had made often came into conflict with the status quo of my life before that point.  As time passed and I grew more confident, I was able to make peace with that struggle and connect with people in deeper ways. But even today, I’m still nervous when I talk to new people about these ideas. I’m afraid that people will judge me if I share the ideas that I hold to be the most personal and most intimate.  
Creating meaning in my life is inextricably linked to God, and through this, my commitment to medicine became clearer. We’re often told that science and religion are diametrically opposed. But to me, I had an idea of God that was broad and allowed me to connect the material nature of science to the spiritual nature of the soul. I think that, just like there are natural laws, there are laws of the heart and the mind. Combining these ways of thinking provides me with a more comprehensive perspective than taking each view separately. One of my hopes in life is to be able to share these ideas with others and to serve them as they walk down a path toward fulfillment, love, and wonder at the world.
I think all human beings often carry around a sense of sadness and a feeling of emptiness. We feel aimless, restless, and unhappy. In these moments, we often search for a way to feel anythingWhat has guided me through these moments are the fruits of the spirit that blossom when I experience God. I’ve grown to value people more and more, empathizing with the struggles that define all of our lives. I’ve been called to serve the people that come into my life with joy, sharing the truths that are important to me, and deepening my understanding of the world. 

What are your 5 Most Recently Played Artists on Spotify? 
Coldplay, Betty Who, Hillsong UNITED, Kanye West, Frozen 2 soundtrack 

What is something you want to bring into 2020?
New thoughts and perspectives!

Pick something or someone from NYMC to give a shout-out to!
All the people I haven't met yet - hi

If someone wants to talk to you, they should lead with: 
Your favorite Key and Peele skit!