Episode 16: Kevin Kron


March 4, 2018

I really value when people go out of their way to do something for somebody else. Whether it’s something like helping somebody with a difficult concept or being there for someone if they’re having a rough day, I’ve always appreciated people giving their time to others. In life, it’s really easy to get busy and forget to prioritize those around you. I think this is especially true in medical school – between academics, friends, significant others, and finding time for yourself, things get busy really quickly. It becomes easy to build up walls and not think of what other people are going through because, “I have enough problems of my own”.​

We all go through ups and downs with how hard school is and those bad days in the classroom can easily translate to bad days outside of the classroom. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on a downturn and somebody who happens to be on an upturn as been there to support me. I don’t think doing something for others has to be some grand gesture either. Personally, doing something like getting someone a cup of coffee or asking how their day is and actually listening to them can make a world of difference. I wish that more people outside of school were like this. If more people took the time to understand each other and build bridges, I feel it could move us forward as a society.

At the Friendsgiving event in November, something was said that has really stuck with me and I think does a great job to describe this giving nature. Near the end of the night, Suyu Zhang told a story that concluded with the line “people are worth it.” This simple statement really embodied this general idea that everyone around us has value and it’s important to put in effort to help one another. It sounds so simple, but it’s not how all people operate. However, I do think it’s how most people around here are. We all want to go into medicine because we think people are worth it and we want to put in that effort to help our patients and each other. Seeing this selfless attitude of service and wanting to help others among our classmates makes you want to get involved and pay it forward to the next person.

I do really think we have a great group of people in our class. Because our class feels so small compared to undergrad and medical school tends to select for sociable people, I think people really want to meet new people and make true connections. Even though a lot of people have their own friend groups, things still don’t feel cliquey. People still want to talk to new people and find common ground with each other. Even though it’s still early in medical school, it’s nice to see that we’re breaking these boundaries. I had friends in undergrad who I didn’t really get to know well until my senior year because we never took the time to make these connections. With the size of our class and the people here, I hope to have at least one lengthy conversation with everyone by the time I graduate.

What are your 5 Most Recently Played Artists on Spotify?
Post Malone, Amine, Cardi B, Oh Wonder, Brockhampton

If you could have any superpower, which one would you choose?
I want to basically be Danny Phantom (theme music included, please)

Pick something or someone from NYMC go give out a shout out to!
Shout-out to the NYMC Senators and Wellness Committee for helping build and foster such a great community here.​

If someone wanted to talk to you, they should lead with…:
A meme or SpongeBob reference