Episode 4: Kyle Mobbs


October 24, 2017

I just really like good people. I appreciate people that look out for others. It’s hard to describe honestly, but you just know when someone’s a good person. They’re kind to others when there’s no benefit to them. They’re always like “let me make someone’s day better, just because.” I think that's the most important quality someone can have.

I studied public health and health policy in undergrad. I was interested in learning about ways to improve the health of entire communities. I remember driving to a football game with one of my buddies. He was a public health guy too. We’re driving through a toll booth on the highway and after I paid, he leaned over and yelled “Have a great day!” to the toll worker. He told me that toll workers have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession. That really got to me. It must get so lonely out there. I had never considered how hard some people have it. It just made me realize, there’s no reason to not be nice to everyone. I think that too often we react to others based off of little information, and that can be so consequential.

I used to live in DC, and had an apartment up on the 12th floor, with a good view of the city. During the summer we'd get hit with severe thunderstorms that would literally shake the building and freak out my roommate. I'd often find myself staring out the window and wondering how all the homeless people were handling the storms. See these people are people that I walk by, every day, living on the streets, without anywhere to go. And, I think a lot of people would say I was being naive or dumb or whatever: but I used to interact with these people all the time. I would buy them food, talk to them. There’s one guy that would stand on the side of the street near my work. I would bring him a cup of coffee every day. I can’t imagine what he was going through, but that doesn’t prevent me from being kind, or doing something about it- even if it’s just getting him a cup of coffee. You can say that's foolish or whatever. But to be honest, there are worse things to get judged for/called an idiot for.

More than everything, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Why judge them when you don’t even know them? Rush to conclusions? Put them in a box? Why do that?

At school, I try to say hello to everyone. Like the security guards that work here. They have a tough job. I ask them “how you doing?” “what are you up to?” “what time are you working until?” They matter man, they matter to me. I goof around with them.

And I think, for me, the way I try to be nice to people is that I’ll mess or tease you or act the goofball. I clown around because I want to help people around me to better open up. Get them to laugh, smile. I get that I am a loud extroverted guy, and not everyone is like that. But everyone’s got something to share, something amazing about them. I enjoy goofing around with people, because I feel like I can help them open up. In fact, I find the people that are quiet, the ones who seem shy, or even get teased for being different are actually the nicest, most compassionate, smartest people out there. I love these people. They’re good people.

I think humor is the easiest way to get through to someone, make someone smile, and help them come out of their shells. I’ll draw the attention to myself in uncomfortable situations. If that helps other people open up and helps other people be more comfortable and more themselves, that’s what matters.

What are your 5 Most Recently Played Artists on Spotify?
The Cure, Frank Ocean, Gucci Mane, The XX, Chiodos

If you could have any superpower, which one would you choose?
Never being tired or needing sleep would be pretty cool - coffee and red bull only take me so far

Pick something or someone from NYMC go give out a shout of to!
Scarlett Tohme - I think I mess with her more than anyone else on campus and she's always got really good comebacks for me
Also Danielle Quinn for starting the trend of sharing study guides before exams

If someone wanted to talk to you, they should lead with…:
Something witty or sarcastic - I’m an incredibly sarcastic person if you haven't figured that out by now