episode 2: peter chebi

AUGUST 16, 2023


Edited by Priyanka Gera and Michael Fortunato

Photo by Daniel Furhang

First question. Where are you from?

San Mateo California.

If someone was to visit your hometown, what is one thing you want them to know or one thing you want them to do?

There’s like a nice golf course and nice hiking trail you can see the Golden Gate Bridge from.

That sounds nice. In an alternate universe, what would your profession be?

Food critic.

For any particular newspaper?

I would critique cheeses.

[laughs] That’s very specific. The last book you read?

I don't really read books.

It could be a textbook.

I don’t even remember the last book I actually finished.

Or the last book you remember at least.

“The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck.”

I actually read that one. That one’s good.

Yeah, that guy’s legit.

How do you take your coffee?

Black with sweetener like Splenda.

Are you a window or aisle seat person?

Aisle. 100%.

Three things you always travel with besides your phone?

I want to give creative answers. Travel-sized sunscreen. [long pause] Comfortable shoes. Shirts to go out in.

What do you follow most: your head or your heart?


This is controversial, the next one. Is cereal a soup?


Why not?

Because soups are made in broth and it wouldn’t be called broth if it was just one ingredient like milk.

Hmm. That’s a well crafted answer. Good one.

Weirdest thing on your bucket list?

[Laughs] Oh yeah. Watch Westchester's G-league basketball team.

Do you plan on watching that soon?

It's not that high a priority.

That’s fair. And you have time. We are in Westchester for a while.

Favorite family holiday tradition?

Christmas. I’m Lebanese and we open stuff on Christmas Eve.

So related to that, what’s the best gift you’ve ever received?

When I was young and the Wii came out, my dad stood in line for it so I could get one of the first Wiis.

Do you still have it?

No, I gave it away. It was 15 years old.

What song would you sing at karaoke night?

Miley Cyrus “Party in the USA.”

That’s a good one. What are you feeling grateful for today?

Buddy [You]

Aww. Thanks. What do you imagine your legacy would be?

Being accomplished in many areas.

If you could have any superpower, which one would you choose?

Probably time travel.

On that note, which time period would you travel to?

I would just go back in my life [laughs] so I could make better decisions.

That’s practical. If someone were to write a book about you, what would it be called?

“Allergic to Shrimp”

[laughs] I like that one. I don’t know how many questions that was, but we’ll do two more. Top 3 moments from anatomy lab?

Being able to name the whole flexor and extensor retinaculum. Recording a video of myself holding a brain and walking everyone through the circle of willis. And then discovering that my cadaver had an anatomical variant where she was missing a whole muscle from her upper thigh.

Ooo. That’s an exciting discovery. Alright, last question. Words of advice for incoming M1s.

It’s super easy. Don’t stress.

Alright, short, sweet and simple.

Contact Peter at pchebi@student.nymc.edu.

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