EPISODE 14: Vitor de Oliveira

february 28, 2024

Interview by pRIYANKA gERA

Edited by Priyanka Gera

Photo by Ivan Dominguez

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Weston, Florida. It’s this little suburb off of I-75 next to Ft. Lauderdale. Very suburban. One of the more boring places you can imagine growing up in.

So if someone was to visit this boring place––


[both laugh] Got the message. Just don’t visit. What did you do in your gap years before medical school?

I took 2 gap years. My first gap year I did a master's program at Georgetown. That was really cool. I got to meet new people and got a taste for what medical school would be like. In my second year, I was a medical assistant at a nephrology clinic in Ft. Lauderdale for a bit. I did triaging of patients who came in––took their blood pressure and asked what medications they were on. I didn’t get to have lots of hands-on experience. I answered phone calls and talked to patients. 

Do you want to be a nephrologist? Did the clinic sway you in any way?

One of the doctor’s had a really nice car-–so I always think about that. But besides that, I think I like cardiology or gastroenterology more. 

Are you going to be the first doctor in the family? 

No. My grandfather is a doctor. My god-father is a doctor. One of my cousins and an uncle are doctors too. 

What are their specialities?

They are all pulmonologists. 

Woah 🤯. And you aren’t even considering pulmonology?

Well, cardiology is adjacent. 

[laughs] It is the organ right next to it. 

Yeah, I just want to branch out a little bit. Someone had to break the cycle. 

How many languages do you speak?

I speak 2.5 languages. The half-language is Spanish. I am not fluent in it––just conversational. But I speak English and Portuguese too. I can understand Spanish, but if I needed to explain something complicated, it probably wouldn’t go very far. 

The last vacation that you took was to where?

I went to Brazil over winter break during our first year of medical school. I celebrated New Years there at the beach. It was my second time spending New Years there. Usually when I go, it's during our summer break, but it is cold there so I don’t really go to the beach much. 

You have family there right?

Yeah. My entire extended family is there. The only people here are myself, my parents and my sister. 

Do you visit them often? 

I used to go every summer before medical school, but I haven't since first year. I probably won't go again until the end of this year. 

One talent you wish you had?

I wish I could play the guitar. I tried so many times. The guitar is my favorite. I guess I am just physically incapable of learning it. I’ve tried––I’ve taken classes and tried to teach myself. I guess my fingers don’t like to listen to my brain.

Do you own a guitar?

I own two. They aren’t on campus though. One is electric, the other is acoustic. But whenever there is a guitar solo in a song, that’s usually my favorite part. 

The best thing that happened to you last week?

We finished pre-clinicals which was pretty cool. I can’t remember what we did last week 🤔 Oh I got pie on Saturday from that place in Tarrytown. 

Did you try a new flavor? That savory one you’ve been wanting to try? 

I did try a new flavor, but not the savory one. I got distracted by the lime flavored one. I had already had lunch, so I couldn’t have a savory one then. The lime flavor was good, but the key-lime pies from Key West are better. Naturally. But this pie was a good approximation. It’s called “Noble Pies,” I think. 

Your worst fashion moment?

This is freshman year of high school. I had these gray American Eagle jeans that I loved and wore all the time. I guess I over-wore them and one day, in biology class, I sat down and the seam ripped on my crotch area. And that was during 4th period (out of 8), so I had half the school day left. It was me covering up the whole rest of the day. Both my parents worked so there was no one to bring me a spare change of clothes. I have never bought American Eagle jeans again. 

What was your first job ever?

In college, I worked for 2 days––that’s all I could take. I worked as one of those people that calls alumni asking for money. The reason I started working there was because a buddy of mine had been working there for a week and they were trying to recruit more people so they were giving out $200 bonuses if they brought a friend. So my friend told me, if I joined, he would give me half of his bonus. So I said “okay” and went. I was trained for 3 hours and then started making calls the next day. It was a horrible experience. I was much shier back then. I quit the next day. I hope I got the $100 from my friend; I don't remember. 

What were you like as a kid, Vitor? You said you were shy…

Definitely. I was pretty shy, but I can’t think of a lot that’s changed since then. I have always been into soccer and music. I always thought I was funny, even if people didn’t think I was. I was definitely a good kid and pretty spoiled by my family. I am the oldest so I always had lots of attention, and didn’t feel the need to act out. 

I know you have a sister. I’ve met her and she’s amazing. How is it being the older brother?

I think in many ways I look out for her. I am always on her side. Her and my mom sometimes have disagreements, especially because they are living together right now. She’ll call me saying “Mom is doing so-and-so right now, can you talk to her?” And then I hang up and call my mom and argue on my sister’s behalf. She’s an awesome sister though. 

What is one thing you will never do again?

In college, I lived in a house with 6 roommates. That was a lot of people. I like my independence now. I don’t think I will live with more than 1 or 2 people––that aren’t part of my family. 

3 things you always travel with. 

House keys. 

[laughs] I hope so. 

Okay, in all seriousness…Hand sanitizer. Especially if you are going in the subway. Does my wallet count? I’m very pragmatic. And I guess, if I am going somewhere sunny, I will always have my sunglasses. Otherwise, always bring warm socks with me. My feet get cold easily. If I’m going on a plane, I definitely need warm socks. Can’t afford to get gangrene on a plane. My grandmother also knit me some socks, but the yarn is so thick, it’s hard to wear them with shoes. They are great for wearing at home though. 

Speaking of getting knitted socks, what is the best gift you have received?

Well, I asked my parents to get this for me, and I was surprised when they got it for me. They got me a Bright Cellars subscription. So every month I get 6 bottles of wine, which I don't drink. I have so many bottles unopened; I've had to pause the subscription for some months. That was a cool gift I’ve received. I wanted to try new things, so I asked them to send me 3 bottles of red and 3 of white every month. 

Deep question. Do you believe in fate or free will? 

I want to believe that we can choose to shape our own destiny. I feel like having fate dictate everything is really boring. If you have no control over what happens to you, it doesn’t make for a good story. Having everything be predetermined by fate implies two things that I would rather believe aren’t true: the first is that every good thing and accomplishment I have achieved in life had nothing to do with my hard work. The second is that every bad thing that’s ever happened to me and those I love was determined by whatever being or force weaves fate and that alone is a worrying proposition. I like the thought of free will because no matter what happens, even if the circumstances are outside of my control, I can choose how I react and how to go forward. Even if choosing free will is the wrong answer, I choose not to believe in fate. 

What is a friendship dealbreaker for you?

I genuinely tend to get along well with people. I don’t like bigotry though. It is not cool, and is unnecessary. Be accepting of others. You don’t know what someone else has been going through. Close mindedness is not tolerable though. 

Would you survive a zombie apocalypse? 

It;s funny you ask me that. Recently I’ve been playing lots of “Left for Dead.” It’s an old 2012 game, and the answer is no. I would not survive. Straight up “no.” Maybe the first 5 days, but then something extremely unlucky would happen, like I have to run away from a zombie but there is a pebble in my shoe. And then I’m done. 

Words of advice for the current M1s. 

It is okay to try different study techniques. For me, I never liked Anki, but everyone around me loves it. So I tried it, but still didn't like it. But for Sketchy, I didn’t think I’d like it, but then I tried it, and I think it's one of the best study tools out there. Be fluid in how you study and figure out what works for you. If something doesn’t work, it's okay. You will be alright. 

Contact Vitor at vde_oliv@student.nymc.edu.

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